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Bioflux webinar: Blockade of CD62L inhibits CLL cell interaction with vascular endothelium

Nov 22, 2018

Researchers developed an assay to measure CLL cell interactions with endothelium under shear force using a Bioflux 200 and blocked CD62L using the anti-CD62L antibody DREG-56. CLL cell interactions with endothelium were visualized by time-lapse microscopy and CLL cell movement was tracked and quantified. Data will be discussed in the webinar and will establish targeting CD62L inhibits CLL cell/endothelial cell interactions and is accentuated by co-administration with ibrutinib. These data imply that some of the clinical effects caused by ibrutinib are due to a reduced capacity of CLL cells to engage endothelium and extravasate.

Dr. Chris Pepper, Professor in Cancer Studies, University of Sussex, UK

Watch the webinar!


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Cell Microsystems

With BioFlux System for live cell analysis under shear flow and IsoFlux System for circulating tumor cell analysis, Cell Microsystems turn power of benchtop cellular analysis with advanced tools to automate complex assays.

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System that offers a fully-integrated solution for automated, high throughput shear flow assays

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Core control system, integrated to any inverted microscope to introduce flow to your research

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