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The New Star of Benchtop Flow Cytometry

Oct 8, 2015

Address the full range of current and future multi-parameter cellular analysis research needs with the NovoCyte flow cytometer. ACEA brings researchers high performance flow cytometry at a low investment cost with the NovoCyte platform.


ACEA offers a system which is:

  • Powerful - up to 15 parameter detection with enhanced sensitivity and resolution.
  • Intuitive - automated instrument maintenance functions and advanced data analysis capabilities for greater usability.
  • Customizable - 1 to 3 laser options, exchangeable filters, multiple sampling options and flexible analysis formats.


Other important features enhance usability such as a fixed optical alignment, 24-bit detection dynamic range with no need for PMT voltage adjustment, accurate volumetric-based cell counting, pressure sensors to monitor fluidic status in real-time, and automatic cleaning and de-contamination processes.


ACEA also developed the NovoExpress software which is intuitive and easy to use. Flexible analysis templates and plotting tools offer enhanced data analysis efficiency.

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Related technologies: Conventional flow cytometry

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Agilent technologies

Agilent provides xCELLigence impedance-based, label-free, real time cell analysis system and NovoCyte flow cytometers.

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The best in class personalized flow cytometer

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