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Don’t waste your time for homogenization and get best results in neurscience with Singulator!

Don’t waste your time for homogenization and get best results in neurscience with Singulator!

Single-nuclei sequencing (SNS) has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding the complexity of cellular environments, particularly in heterogeneous tissues like the brain. The ability to analyze gene expression at the resolution of individual nuclei allows researchers to unravel the intricacies of cellular diversity, developmental processes, and disease mechanisms. One of the critical steps in SNS is the effective isolation of high-quality nuclei from fresh frozen mouse brain tissue.

This protocol provides a comprehensive guide for isolating, cleaning, counting, and preparing single nuclei from frozen mouse brain samples, specifically tailored for applications in single-nuclei sequencing. With a focus on optimizing the Singulator™ protocol parameters, this method can be adjusted to accommodate variations in tissue storage time and conditions, ensuring reliable and reproducible results.

Implementing this method ensures high viability cells and their nuclei, enabling accurate gene expression analysis and advancing our understanding of neural biology.

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Related technologies: Sample preparation

Katarzyna Nazarewicz

Katarzyna Nazarewicz

+48 797 701 027

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S2 Genomics

The integrated sample preparation systems for processing tissues into genomic samples for single-cell genomics and cell biology studies.

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Reproducible, rapid and hands-off tissue dissociations into single-cell or nuclei suspensions.

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