Intelligent pipetting to simplify the preparation and analysis of proteins and nucleic acids by designing solutions without boundaries and bringing novel cutting-edge technology to the life science industry.
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Single-cell omics deliver precise information about individual cells, including transcription levels and the sequences of highly variable proteins. RNase H-dependent PCR-enabled T cell receptor sequencing (rhTCRseq) facilitates the efficient and highly specific examination of TCR domain diversity to characterize the immune response. By miniaturizing the assay, it becomes possible to conduct analysis at the single-cell level while maintaining sensitivity and data quality. A critical aspect of miniaturization is the need for low-volume liquid handling, which is not efficiently achievable manually and requires automation. This application note discusses the use of the MANTIS® liquid dispenser to create rhTCRseq cDNA libraries that are of quality comparable to those generated from bulk RNA.
Related technologies: Liquid HandlingAutomated sample preparationSample preparation
Intelligent pipetting to simplify the preparation and analysis of proteins and nucleic acids by designing solutions without boundaries and bringing novel cutting-edge technology to the life science industry.
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