
Real-time, label free cell analysis
Katarzyna Nazarewicz

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Katarzyna Nazarewicz

+48 797 701 027

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Real-time, label free cell analysis

For both high-throughput screening and research laboratory environments

The xCELLigence System from ACEA Biosciences is a microelectronic biosensor system for cell–based assays, providing dynamic, real-time, label-free cellular analysis for a variety of research applications in drug development, toxicology, cancer, medical microbiology and virology. This technology allows researchers to increase productivity and exceed the limits of endpoint analysis by capturing data throughout the entire time course of an experiment and obtaining more physiologically relevant data. Choose from multiple instrument formats and benefit from cost-effective, user-friendly cell-based assays designed to analyze compound effects in a context as close as possible to the natural environment.  

The presence of the cells on top of the electrodes affects the local ionic environment at the electrode/solution interface, leading to an increase in the electrode impedance. The more cells are attached on the electrodes, the larger the increases in electrode impedance. In addition, the impedance depends on the quality of the cell interaction with the electrodes. For example, increased cell adhesion or spreading will lead to a larger change in electrode impedance. Thus, electrode impedance, which is displayed as cell index (CI) values, can be used to monitor cell viability, number, morphology, and adhesion degree in a number of cell-based assays.