Katarzyna Nazarewicz

Country manager

Katarzyna Nazarewicz

+48 797 701 027

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Precision X-Ray

The best science requires the best tools. Precision X-Ray delivers

Precision X-Ray (PXi), headquartered in North Branford, Connecticut, is the leader in small-animal cabinet irradiators and radiotherapy research systems worldwide.  PXi provides easy-to-operate, reliable, safe and cost-effective X-ray imaging and X-ray irradiation systems that set the standard for quality, reliability and accuracy. Precision X-Ray leads technological change in preclinical radiation research by listening to the needs of its customers.


A series of compact, fully integrated x-ray irradiators that are simpler and safer alternatives to radioisotope irradiators.

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The unit provides deeper dose depth uniformity, allowing research on even larger biological specimens with increased dose rates.

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The benchtop system to irradiate cells in your lab with increased power for High Dose studies.

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OptiMAX IGRT is maging module for optical molecular and X-ray image guided radiation therapy research.

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Technologies supported by OptiMAX IGRT – Precision X-Ray