
Avatar cell control system – Xcell Biosciences

You control your cells – not the other way around

The AVATAR system is the first commercially available cell culture system, that allows control of oxygen, carbon dioxide and pressure levels. With AVATAR you are able to generate your cells of interest and optimize your experiments to match the diversity of human body. You can transfer, expand and derive cells with better efficiency. 

With more control over your cells you are able to get results, that are more biologically relevant. It also allows you to grow cell culture, which are usually difficult to propagate such as patient sample, stem cells or tumor cells with high reproducibility. The growth rate and viability of the cells can also be improved by adding control of oxygen and pressure levels. The system is also very easy to use and maintan.

  • Increase transfection efficiency up to 5X with high cell viability even with difficult to transfect cells
  • Expand challenging cell types easily and reproducibly for a broad range of primary cells and cut reagent costs in the process
  • Target the cell population you want tune your cell’s microenvironment to control differentiation or maintain current state reliably and precisely
  • Work with immune cells, stem cells, tumor cells, organoids and even rare, precious cells you’ve never been able to expand before

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Katarzyna Nazarewicz

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Katarzyna Nazarewicz

+48 797 701 027

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