
CyBio SELMA – Analytik Jena

Semi-automatic 96- or 384-fold pipettor with Minimal required space

Precise and semi-automatic pipettor with 96 or 384 pipetting channels for easy and fast filling of 96- and 384-well microplates without the use of a computer. Applications like replication and reformatting, medium Exchange, DNA Extraction as well as serial dilution can be executed reproducible and convenient.

Key Features:

  • Fast and precise processing of 96- and 384-well microplates without computer
  • Simple and intuitive handling with touch screen
  • Easy and fast tip changing with ready to use CyBio TipTrays
  • Error-free and reproducible results due to 96 or 384 parallel pistons and proven tip sealing principle
  • Reminder function and automatic use of pipetting heights and parameters for the processing of several microplates
  • An open design allows the use of external devices like shaker, vacuum chamber, heating adapters, etc.
  • Applications such as replication and reformatting of microplates as well as serial dilutions can be execute in seconds

More info at:

Jakub Kajdanek

Sales manager

Jakub Kajdanek

+48 789 048 342

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