Quanterix: Detecting the undetectable biomarkers - digital ELISA
Liquid Handling
Automated sample preparation
Automated nucleic acid extraction
X-ray irradiation
Photoacoustic imaging
X-ray and micro computed tomography
IntraVital Microscopy
Fluorescence, luminescence, X-ray, radiographic imaging
Nano-flow cytometry
Cell separation & Enrichment
Antibodies & Reagents
Digital biomarker detection
CTC´s and rare cells analysis
3D cell culturing
Physiological cell culturing
Real-time, label free cell analysis
Cell interaction studies
Cell sorting
Spectral flow cytometry
Conventional Flow Cytometry
Live cell imaging
Spatial Transcriptomics
Micro-volume spectrophotometry
Sample preparation
Gene discovery and analysis
High-performance standard PCR and qPCR thermal cyclers
We supply and support Life-Science Technologies in the territory of Central and Eastern Europe.