
“We have recently purchased a one-person hypoxic station, which we are currently using to provide controlled environment for experiments related to tumor biology. In future, we would like to expand the station with another hypoxic chamber for our Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzer.”

Dr. Jakub Rohlena

Institute of Biotechnology CAS, Prague, Czech Republic

Institute of Biotechnology CAS, Prague, Czech Republic

“We use COY hypoxic chamber for experiments performed in hypoxic and normoxic conditions in one glove box for example for comparison of drug effect (metabolic activity, viability of cells, cell death, cell cycle or expression of target proteins) depending on oxygen content.”

Rastislav Jendželovský, PhD

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

“The Coy Anaerobic Chamber will provide considerable advantages in terms of atmospheric control and experimental scale.”

Dr Fatima Pereira

University of Vienna

University of Vienna

“With the help of the COY hypoxic chamber we are able to biochemically study oxygen-sensitive proteins while preserving their enzymatic activity. The system is very easy to operate and scalable for even high-throughput experimental screens.”

Dr Mikołaj Sokołowski

Max Planck Research Group, Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Kraków, Poland

Max Planck Research Group, Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Kraków, Poland

O2 control glove boxes – COY laboratory products

Optimal environment for cells without disruption of the experimental conditions

Opening an incubator or working in a tissue culture hood exposes cells to nonexperimental conditions that may affect your results. These sealed glove boxes combined with controllers of O2 and CO2 concentrations and airlock, provide a more accurate and uninterrupted environment than an icubator or cabinet system by eliminating exposure to nonexperimental conditions. Using UV sterilization or HEPA filtration makes from the O2 controlled izolator a hypoxic workstation with completely controlled environment.

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Katarzyna Nazarewicz

Country manager

Katarzyna Nazarewicz

+48 797 701 027

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